Discover how to train a dog the right way yourself at home. learn about clicker dog training, dog whispering, puppy house training and more dog training tips. dog training techniques for obedience.. Does your dog constantly chew the furniture? free proven advice on how to stop this and other annoying dog behavior..... save your furniture..... The latest! q&a: why does my dog pee when i leaver her? i have a 9 mo old gsd that wets her bed every time i leave her alone. every sunday before….
Trainpetdog is an online dog training school providing classes, courses, tips on dog biting, dog barking, dog grooming and recipes. visit for more info!. Answers to the most common questions about dog breeds and canine health care, puppy care, training tips and supplies. dogs for hunting or for your lap. it's all here.. Professional advice on training a puppy, dog or cat. proven techniques from a dog & cat behaviorist..